Environmental Memory Interoperable Open System

Build date: 2007-04-12 | Last check: v0.0.1
The most update version of this document is available on line at: http://emios.sourceforge.net/

Author: Cyril Faucher | Emios project, France | http://emios.sourceforge.net/
Contact: emios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Emios is provided under the terms of the EPL License

        How to install Emios   [ Eclipse update site: http://emios.sourceforge.net/update/ ]

Scope of this document: This tutorial shows how to install Emios.

Preface: The scope of Emios is the specification and the implementation of the concept of Environmental Memory via Model Driven Development technologies: EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework).


  • Your operating system must use Java 1.5 or above version.
    If not, please visit the Java web page (http://java.sun.com/) and install the latest version of Java.
  • Eclipse must be installed. At present time, this is the 3.2.2 version which is being used.
    If you did not install Eclipse, please download this one at: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/, select "Download now: Eclipse SDK 3.2.2" and unzip the downloaded file.
  • Your Eclipse installation is supposed to be minimal (no extra PlugIns installed after the original installation). It means that this tutorial will cover every necessary step to get Emios working with Eclipse.

  • The first Eclipse starting:

    When you start Eclipse for the first time (launch the executable: eclipse.exe), you will be asked for a workspace location. This is just a directory used by Eclipse to store any project you will create in the future. The image below is the dialog box you should see. By default, Eclipse propose to create a workspace directory named "workspace" in your home directory.

    At every Eclipse launching, you will be prompted for the workspace location. For now, we just click "OK" to open the main window of Eclipse. You should see appearing a window like the one below.

    You can close the "Welcome" tab, it will be of no use for us. Now your window looks like this one:

    Now let's proceed to the Emios installation.

    Emios Installation:

  • Step 1: Download the following file at: http://emios.sourceforge.net/update/site_bookmarks.xml

  • Step 2: Update sites
    In the main menu of Eclipse, select > Help >> Software Updates >> Find and install... A dialog box appears. Select "Search for new features to install" and click "Next >"

    An other window appears. You can read "Updates sites to visit". From this window, you will add some sites that Eclipse uses to find and install PlugIns. But you don't know which sites you must add. That is the contents of the file you downloaded at step 1. Now click on "Import sites...". You are prompted to choose a file. Select the file you downloaded at step 1.

    You should see the window below. Have a look at the sites list. It has been successfully updated.

    Please check every sites so that your window looks like this one:

    Click on "Finish". You will be asked to choose a location for some sites. Don't pay attention and click "OK" for all of them.

  • Step 3: Emios installation
    After the step 2, a new window appears.

    Step 3.1: Check the checkbox "Emios update site".

    Step 3.2: You can see an error message at the top of the window. It means that some components are missing to run Emios properly.

    Due to an Eclipse bug, you have to open each site tree view by clicking on the cross icon.

    Now click on "Select Required". Some items have been selected and the "Next >" button has been enabled. Click on it.

    A new window opened. This is for the using license of Eclipse. If you do agree with the terms, select "I accept the terms in the license agreement" and click on "Next >.

    A window summarizes the PlugIns to be installed. Click on "Finish". Now wait for PlugIns downloading. It can take several minutes depending on your connection.

    You are warned about an unsigned feature. No matter. Click on "Install All".

    Finally, you are asked about rebooting Eclipse to take changes in account. Do it by clicking on "Yes".

  • Step 4: Eclipse re-launching
    The Eclipse workspace chooser appears, now you click on "OK" in order to reload your workspace.

    This way is useful in order to install an Eclipse application, but your download has not incremented the Emios’s download counter, also please go back to: http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/emios/ and click on download to increment the counter, thank you for your contribution.

    Emios is installed ! Emios is right for creating your ISO 19100 models !

    => Go to the tutorial about: "How to start with Emios".